Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Final Score

Grades are in.

Logic and Algorithms (Discrete Math): B
Calculus 2: B
Literature and Culture: A
Computer Organization and Architecture: A
Data Structures: A (wtf?)

that is all

Thursday, December 18, 2008

No Time, No Money

So lol news.

Finals are finally (lol) over. I finished my last one today, had a major headache afterward, and probably failed it. At least half the test covered permutations, combinations, and relations. Wtf? We covered a LOT more material than that.

The Data Structures exam was pretty easy though, finished it in only an hour, and the Calculus 2 exam I did in about an hour and a half. I'll be seeing my grades appear online in the next week or so, therefore I'll have the verdict at a later date.

So yeah, all I have now is work. But alas, that shall come to an end soon too. I put in my 2 week notice today, so the last day of the year will be my last day at Arby's, so long fast food, hope to never see you again. Srsli.

Unfortunately, this shall leave me without a paycheck and I will have to fend off my parents. Oh joy. So yeah, after the new semester starts, hopefully I'll be able to get a job soon enough.

Listening to Jefferson Airplane right now. What a great band.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sleepy Days, Lazy Days

I'm wondering if anyone actually reads these, or if I'm just ranting to a server...

Sleep is a simply wonderful cycle. Memories collected throughout the day transfer from short term to long term throughout the inner workings of your brain, and your body essentially shuts down and repairs any damage accrued throughout the day.

However, I have slept way too much the last two nights. 11 hours Friday night, and 10 hours last night. wtf?

As for the "Lazy Days" part, I really do need to study up for my Data Structures exam tomorrow, but I'm wondering if I'll ever actually get around to it...

What am I listening to, might you ask? Though I'm sure you didn't REALLY ask that... Well, right now I am listening to the album "Christmas Portrait" by The Carpenters. Nothing says Christmas music like the voice of Karen Carpenter. Such a sad story, hers is. It really shows the true vanity of the society we live in and the pressures that popular music can place upon oneself.

This is, for all intensive purposes, a blog full of potpourri. Just something to keep my mind off the fact that my life is currently a bore. :3

Friday, December 12, 2008

Re:Chain of Memories

So when I was at the store the other day, I decided to pick this game up.

I forgot how much fun CoM is supposed to be. Handheld gaming, in my opinion, ruined the true quality of the game. I think it's so much fun on the PS2, and I'm actually enjoying myself.

I decided to pick it up after I made a resolution to get back into video games. I plan on picking up a 360 sometime in the near future, hopefully soon after Christmas. HOPEFULLY.

And yes, I will be getting Live.

CoM is the first video game I have bought since...well, a long time. o_o; I think I chose wisely.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


So today, I have a cultural critique that I have experienced before and am (slightly) experiencing now.

It has to do with friendships, and this, my friends, is a rant.

I'm the kind of person that prefers either hot or cold. If you love me, great! The more the merrier. If you hate me, fine, not everyone can like me and I understand that.

But what really peeves me off is when someone is lukewarm. You can never be quite sure whether they like you or hate you, they say and show one thing or another from day to day, possibly even from second to second.

If someone doesn't care for me, I much rather them come right out and say it. Don't keep me guessing, don't play games with me, tell me like it is. If you have a problem with me, speak your mind. If you have an issue with me, say it. We can either attempt to resolve the problem or go our separate ways. I have way too much other stuff to worry about, seriously.

That is all.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Fear, The Season, and The Resolution

The Fear

Music is a simply amazing way to communicate thoughts, ideas, and principles in a creative and entertaining fashion. Not only can lyrics communicate a message, but the music itself can add to the vibe and atmosphere of that message.

With that said, I've recently fallen in love with the song "The Fear" by Lily Allen.

Yes, the dearest Lily Allen. In my opinion, not enough people take her seriously. She's bitchy, emotional, headstrong, and many other things.

But do you know what else Miss Allen has? Honesty. Genuine personality. Reality.

Lily Allen is actually a real person. She doesn't put on a show or cryptically write her lyrics to convey her life, she is up front and honest about them. Her newest song, "The Fear," states the message of the pure vanity of the culture we live in. It discusses the importance placed on wealth, fame, beauty, and popularity. It states that our culture, as a world, is built upon the fear of not being all the aforementioned things.

Perhaps some may think I am being over analytical, and Miss Allen's song is simply the rantings of a young 20-something, but I take her very seriously and think she is an amazing girl with some beautiful insight.

The Season

It's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but for some reason, I'm just not feeling it this time around. With the stress of work, school, finances, job offering in the future, living arrangements, and interconnections, I just can't find the time, patience, or energy to enjoy this season for what it's really worth. Perhaps some snow could get me in the mood? =)

Though I did have all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving this year. I was quite proud of myself. I usually do my Christmas shopping the week before, and struggle to find the things I need and fight through crowds to get what I want. Now, I can simply go to the mall and fight through crowds for the thrill of it. Huzzah!

The Resolution

With the new year quickly approaching, I've been making considerations for a resolution, and I believe it will be to actually instantiate and keep a blog this year. I have made attempts in the past, but none of them went extremely far, perhaps this one can go a bit farther.


This being my first blog post, hello everyone, and I hope you look forward to more. =) My posts won't always be cultural reviews, sometimes I will include a little insight into my own life and the lives of those around me. My world is much too interesting (at least I find it interesting) to let slip through my fingers without recording at least some shred of detail on it. Ah, the power of the internet.


And on a side note, here is the video for "The Fear."