Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The House That Fire Built, Pt. 2

Again, please please PLEASE do this. It would make me really happy:

Mae 2009 Project - Webisode: 2 from Mae on Vimeo.

I Feel It All

I decided to title this blog after the amazing song by Feist. (See video below)

I'm not too sure why, perhaps it's because it's the song I'm listening to right now. Speaking of listening to, I want an iPhone. Call me stupid, an Apple whore, or a bandwagon freak, whatever you feel like calling me, but I played with one in Wal-Mart the other day and absolutely fell in love with it. I want one.

I'm actually not blogging from home right now. I'm sitting in one of the many places to eat at UNCC. It's quite crowded in here, and loud too. But that's usual this time of day. (Actually, it will be worse in like an hour.)

In other news, it's cold. Really cold. Super cold. Freakishly cold. (According to WeatherBug, 29 right now.) And guess what? Only a little bit of snow, and it melted in a day. I want snow snow, like a big snow. >:

I was going to attempt my Linear Algebra homework while sitting in here, but considering that the teacher didn't even cover half the lesson for today, I'm at a bit of a loss. I guess I *could* read the chapter, but I'm lazy. At least my classes are done for the day, I'm just waiting to meet some friends for lunch.

Well, back to...whatever I was doing. Oh that's right, being bored to death. >:

Am I forgetting something? Oh yes, I Feel It All.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Final Decisions Apparently Aren't Always Final

i.e., I didn't drop Calculus III. lol.

I decided I can handle it. I'll make myself handle it. I tend to be very stubborn when I want to be. A prime example that the Maley blood flows through my veins.

So after a first week, I don't believe school should be THAT bad, I only have a little homework left, which I plan to finish up tomorrow. I impressed my statistics teacher the other day by giving him the addition rule for the union of three events by heart. I'm sure a majority of you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Differential Equations, so far, doesn't seem nearly as bad as I had expected. Then again, I never had any problem with mathematical concepts, so I guess I should have figured. I had expected Calculus II to be an utter failure, but my final grade was a B.

If and when I do get a job, I'll need to keep my hours down as to provide time for schoolwork. I may possibly put myself only working weekends, or something like that. I'd like to avoid anything food service, but if it comes down to it, I'll have to take what I can get. I do have a couple of options available to me. My goal is to have a job by the end of March, mid to late April at worst.

Upon contemplating what else I could add to this blog, I glanced around my room. It appears to be a mess. Looks like I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.

That is all for now...I think. lol.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Second Helping

I am dropping Calculus 3. That is my final decision.

So my second day of class was interesting. Differential Equations and Statistics and Probability both have sign language people in them (DISTRACTIONS) and both have foreign professors (AWESOME).

In Differential Equations, I have a Russian teacher. She seem fair and balanced enough (unlike Faux News...but let's not get into that). Thankfully, a majority of our homework is apparently going to be optional. I still plan to try my best to finish it all, but at least the stress of grades is gone.

Statistics and Probability also appears to be a fairly decent workload, I think I can handle it. My teacher in that class is Asian, though I'm not sure what kind. >:

Also, lol glasses:

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Time for Firsts

So today was my first day of classes.

And I already have homework. wtf?

My first class was quite interesting. Matrices and Linear Algebra. Apparently, we have a deaf student in our class, which means there is a person there to sign out the lecture in front of the class, beside the teacher. I understand perfectly the accommodation necessary to provide for the deaf...but my god is that lady distracting. YOU try listening closely to a lecture when there is someone 10 feet away waving their hands around.

Oh, and apparently the teacher doesn't speak very good English. AWESOME.

My second class was Arts in Society: Music (I.E., Music Appreciation). That class is also interesting. I sat in the front row, which happened to be packed with a bunch of really fun, lighthearted people. :3 I was very happy. We are going to be studying classical music, which means I'm going to be required to attend 3 different concert performances this year. Let's see if I can convince my friends to go to AT LEAST one of them.

I then proceeded to the Prospector cafeteria, where I read Eclipse for about an hour and a half, then ate lunch when my friends showed up. I got home around 2, worked on some homework, then went to Wally World with mother.

So all in all, first day wasn't THAT bad.

Did I mention I got new glasses? They are quite brilliant, I shall post pictures.

if anyone even reads this. ;-;


So I can't sleep. Hate it when that happens.

Tomorrow is my first day of classes, as some may know. I have a pretty heavy load this semester, packed full of math courses, but I think I can handle it; for some reason, I am apparently insanely good at math.

My schedule this semester includes the following classes:

  • Calculus III
  • Differential Equations
  • Matrices and Linear Algebra
  • Introduction to Probability and Statistics
  • Arts and Society: Music
The last one sounds a bit odd, compared to the rest, eh? I guess that's the beauty of the liberal studies requirement. =D

In an unrelated note, it's actually supposed to be COLD this week. WOW, I never thought I'd see the day. Last time it was cold was November, it seems. Thus far, winter has been fairly warm. I remember wearing a short sleeve polo to my Aunt's house on Christmas. I think it was around 60/65.

Though, due to my absolute infatuation with springtime, I'm sure that after about 2 or 3 weeks of cold, I'll be dying for March 21 to roll around. I just hope it snows soon, that would be awesome.

Since it seems that I'm having trouble putting my thoughts to paper (or rather, keys?) at the moment, I do believe that is all for now, though I may find myself blogging again later on today to describe my first day of classes. Technically, I have 2 first days, since 2 of my classes are Monday/Wednesday and the other 3 are Tuesday/Thursday.

So yes, expect a blog from me this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, that would be the safe assumption. I do believe I'll go to McDonald's for breakfast this morning...yes yes. Iced Coffee <3

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The House that Fire Built

So my favorite band (well, one of them) has recently decided to do a bit of charity.

Go to their website to read more about it, and download their new awesome song, The House That Fire Built.