Thursday, December 18, 2008

No Time, No Money

So lol news.

Finals are finally (lol) over. I finished my last one today, had a major headache afterward, and probably failed it. At least half the test covered permutations, combinations, and relations. Wtf? We covered a LOT more material than that.

The Data Structures exam was pretty easy though, finished it in only an hour, and the Calculus 2 exam I did in about an hour and a half. I'll be seeing my grades appear online in the next week or so, therefore I'll have the verdict at a later date.

So yeah, all I have now is work. But alas, that shall come to an end soon too. I put in my 2 week notice today, so the last day of the year will be my last day at Arby's, so long fast food, hope to never see you again. Srsli.

Unfortunately, this shall leave me without a paycheck and I will have to fend off my parents. Oh joy. So yeah, after the new semester starts, hopefully I'll be able to get a job soon enough.

Listening to Jefferson Airplane right now. What a great band.

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