Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sleepy Days, Lazy Days

I'm wondering if anyone actually reads these, or if I'm just ranting to a server...

Sleep is a simply wonderful cycle. Memories collected throughout the day transfer from short term to long term throughout the inner workings of your brain, and your body essentially shuts down and repairs any damage accrued throughout the day.

However, I have slept way too much the last two nights. 11 hours Friday night, and 10 hours last night. wtf?

As for the "Lazy Days" part, I really do need to study up for my Data Structures exam tomorrow, but I'm wondering if I'll ever actually get around to it...

What am I listening to, might you ask? Though I'm sure you didn't REALLY ask that... Well, right now I am listening to the album "Christmas Portrait" by The Carpenters. Nothing says Christmas music like the voice of Karen Carpenter. Such a sad story, hers is. It really shows the true vanity of the society we live in and the pressures that popular music can place upon oneself.

This is, for all intensive purposes, a blog full of potpourri. Just something to keep my mind off the fact that my life is currently a bore. :3

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