Sunday, January 18, 2009

Final Decisions Apparently Aren't Always Final

i.e., I didn't drop Calculus III. lol.

I decided I can handle it. I'll make myself handle it. I tend to be very stubborn when I want to be. A prime example that the Maley blood flows through my veins.

So after a first week, I don't believe school should be THAT bad, I only have a little homework left, which I plan to finish up tomorrow. I impressed my statistics teacher the other day by giving him the addition rule for the union of three events by heart. I'm sure a majority of you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Differential Equations, so far, doesn't seem nearly as bad as I had expected. Then again, I never had any problem with mathematical concepts, so I guess I should have figured. I had expected Calculus II to be an utter failure, but my final grade was a B.

If and when I do get a job, I'll need to keep my hours down as to provide time for schoolwork. I may possibly put myself only working weekends, or something like that. I'd like to avoid anything food service, but if it comes down to it, I'll have to take what I can get. I do have a couple of options available to me. My goal is to have a job by the end of March, mid to late April at worst.

Upon contemplating what else I could add to this blog, I glanced around my room. It appears to be a mess. Looks like I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.

That is all for now...I think. lol.

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