Monday, January 12, 2009

A Time for Firsts

So today was my first day of classes.

And I already have homework. wtf?

My first class was quite interesting. Matrices and Linear Algebra. Apparently, we have a deaf student in our class, which means there is a person there to sign out the lecture in front of the class, beside the teacher. I understand perfectly the accommodation necessary to provide for the deaf...but my god is that lady distracting. YOU try listening closely to a lecture when there is someone 10 feet away waving their hands around.

Oh, and apparently the teacher doesn't speak very good English. AWESOME.

My second class was Arts in Society: Music (I.E., Music Appreciation). That class is also interesting. I sat in the front row, which happened to be packed with a bunch of really fun, lighthearted people. :3 I was very happy. We are going to be studying classical music, which means I'm going to be required to attend 3 different concert performances this year. Let's see if I can convince my friends to go to AT LEAST one of them.

I then proceeded to the Prospector cafeteria, where I read Eclipse for about an hour and a half, then ate lunch when my friends showed up. I got home around 2, worked on some homework, then went to Wally World with mother.

So all in all, first day wasn't THAT bad.

Did I mention I got new glasses? They are quite brilliant, I shall post pictures.

if anyone even reads this. ;-;

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