Monday, January 12, 2009


So I can't sleep. Hate it when that happens.

Tomorrow is my first day of classes, as some may know. I have a pretty heavy load this semester, packed full of math courses, but I think I can handle it; for some reason, I am apparently insanely good at math.

My schedule this semester includes the following classes:

  • Calculus III
  • Differential Equations
  • Matrices and Linear Algebra
  • Introduction to Probability and Statistics
  • Arts and Society: Music
The last one sounds a bit odd, compared to the rest, eh? I guess that's the beauty of the liberal studies requirement. =D

In an unrelated note, it's actually supposed to be COLD this week. WOW, I never thought I'd see the day. Last time it was cold was November, it seems. Thus far, winter has been fairly warm. I remember wearing a short sleeve polo to my Aunt's house on Christmas. I think it was around 60/65.

Though, due to my absolute infatuation with springtime, I'm sure that after about 2 or 3 weeks of cold, I'll be dying for March 21 to roll around. I just hope it snows soon, that would be awesome.

Since it seems that I'm having trouble putting my thoughts to paper (or rather, keys?) at the moment, I do believe that is all for now, though I may find myself blogging again later on today to describe my first day of classes. Technically, I have 2 first days, since 2 of my classes are Monday/Wednesday and the other 3 are Tuesday/Thursday.

So yes, expect a blog from me this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, that would be the safe assumption. I do believe I'll go to McDonald's for breakfast this morning...yes yes. Iced Coffee <3

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